The High 5ive Rooftop Bar at the Kissel Uptown Oakland boasts a stunning view of Oakland; currently in more ways than one.
100 Faces of Oakland, an ambitious project sponsored by Visit Oakland and created by photographers Anthony Weaver and Patanisha Williams, is on display through October 31st. Inspired by New York Times photographer Bill Cunningham, their objective was to capture one hundred real-life style-makers, the heart and soul of Oakland. Weaver, born and raised in the Town, holds a Bachelor's degree in film from San Francisco State University. Williams, A fourth-generation Oaklander, is a self described cultural curator and photographer who emphasizes love in her work. The two took to the streets of Oakland in August and September to see who they could find, and people from all walks of life passed by their lenses in that month.

The one hundred portraits line the staircase up to the bar. They continue into the widened space, wind around the walls. Faces stare out in love, joy, and occasionally, indifference. Many of the subjects stare directly back at the viewer, some gaze off camera. Others, frozen in dance or caught in laughter. Their clothing ranges from formal to fierce, fabulous, to richly comfortable. Proudly in colors, or staunchly in monochrome, some of the extravagant outfits left me more than a little envious. All details are shared, no accessory spared: hats and grills, nails and kicks, they’re all there. Hints of place peek out, marking the subjects as squarely in Oakland. A sense of community, unity and hometown pride emanate from the photographs.

Unfortunately, the presentation of these portraits does not match the ambition of the show's concept. The images were skillfully shot but the printing appears hurried. Tacked to the wall without frames, it is easy to lose the preciousness of the work. I wanted to study each portrait, but the small size of the prints proved to be a roadblock, especially in the dark corners of the bar.
Despite this, the show is still worth a visit. You might even have the fun of finding a familiar face or two. Commissioned for Oakland Style Week, 100 Faces of Oakland is lovely in idea but deserves more in its exhibition, with both Williams and Weaver sharing skill and diversity in the month that they had to complete this project.

Stop by the High 5ive through the end of the month to see the photos and have a cocktail, and be sure to step outside and take in the view of Oakland.
Patanisha Williams-
@patanisha on IG
Anthony Weaver-
@aweaverphoto on IG