Anything Goes Chorus 2024 Spring Concert
First Unitarian Church
695 14th St. Oakland
March 24, 2024
I didn’t expect the First Unitarian Church downtown on the corner of 14th Street and Castro Street to be packed full of people, but then again, I wasn’t familiar with jazz vocalist and choral director extraordinaire, Ellen Robinson.
A kind woman sitting to my right had taken private lessons with Robinson and was there to support the chorus during the sing-along songs. She raved about her talented vocal teacher and expressed gratitude calling her “fabulous” and her time singing with the chorus “a very healing thing.”
Another surprise was the accompanist of the evening, César Cancino, a brilliant pianist who’s played at Carnegie Hall and worked with Thelma Houston, Rita Moreno, and Joan Baez.

Cancino began to play and the East Bay and San Francisco chorus groups filed into the church and onto the risers donning “Anything Goes Chorus” T‑shirts in shades of green, blue, pink, and red. Robinson entered last and shone in her maroon top stitched with sequined flowers, black cowboy boots, and funky turquoise and maroon earrings with eyeshadow to match.
Suddenly, the chorus whipped out kazoos and played a little intro before launching into Lionel Bart’s “Consider Yourself” from the musical Oliver! For every number there was a fun and whimsical gimmick, such as brief dance moves, claps, poses, and gestures. The voices of the chorus poured into the acoustics of the church beautifully with layered harmonies and jazzy timing keeping things playful and whimsical.
AGC’s rendition of “Break My Stride” made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I belted out John Lennon’s “Imagine” along with the audience.
When it was Robinson’s time to shine, she slid into the spotlight and gave us a floaty, hopeful “Somewhere” from West Side Story. She had introduced the song in the context of notions such as “celebrating our diversities” and “we’re in this together.” The clarity and pureness of the way she sang seemed weightless, as if the lyrics were lifting up to the rafters after leaving her mouth. She communicated her vocal training and ambition, generosity as a teacher, and her wish for a better world through this one single song. It was a dream to witness.
If you’ve ever thought about joining a chorus with an emphasis on joy, Ellen Robinson has got you covered. She flows with jubilation and glee at what she does for a living and you’re bound to soak it up.

AGC is accepting new singers for the East Bay and San Francisco ensembles for the spring session starting April 10 and April 18, respectively! All voices needed, especially tenors, baritones and basses. Visit AGC’s website to learn more and to contact Director Ellen Robinson to sign up.