A small white bus was parked outside of NXTHVN, at 169 Henry St., its walls decorated with handwritten definitions of the word“legacy”:“legacy is saying cheers to the next generation,”“legacy is taking actions with purpose, and not stopping when faced with failure.”
The bus was part of the cARTie program, housing the Legacy Mobile Exhibition, which will be touring New Haven through Aug. 13.
The Legacy Mobile Exhibition features art from seven high schoolers in the NXTHVNApprenticeship Program, which pairs apprentices with NXTHVN fellows and staff to teach them about art and the art world. This year’s theme — of legacy — is inspired by the “Portrait of an Unlikely Space” exhibition by Mickalene Thomas that ran last year at the Yale University Art Gallery. The apprentices were encouraged to create their own projects in a medium of their choosing, all inspired by the question of what legacy means to them.