The Earth Is Breaking Beautifully

· 1 min read
The Earth Is Breaking Beautifully

Susan Hoffman Fishman

Susan Hoffman Fishman’s painting seems at first to be an abstract, full of brilliant colors and bold lines. Soon, though, one can see how it’s derived from natural forms — but at what scale? It could be a cross-section of a tree or a landscape viewed from space. It turns out that it’s more the latter.

It’s one way into​“Biophilia: In Excelsis,” an exhibition at the Institute of Sacred Music on Prospect Street, running now through May 2. The show​“focuses on the theme of our sacred ecosystems, including oceans and forests, and their imminent transformation due to increased global warming. The exhibit brings together 22 artists who represent different cultural backgrounds, generations and geographic locations, who explore the concept of biophilia, the love of life,” writes M. Annenberg, the show’s curator.